Category: Ramseyer Farms
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Girl Going Down Slide Has Rough Landing in Corn
Joelle Kocak
Aug 24, 2022
#Fail #Humor #Cool #Stunts #Kids #Cute #USA #Landing #Land #Failure #Kid #Child #Funny #Stop #Humour #Adorable #Crazy #Down #Hilarious #Feel Good #Children #Awesome #Sweet #Fails #Landed #Corn #ViralHog #Stopped #Slide #Sliding #Failing #Humorous #Hard #Neat #Failed #Ohio #Whiplash #Stopping #Slid #Kiddo #Kiddos #Humourous #Wooster #Ramseyer Farms #2021 #Corn Pit #Pumpkin Patch #Pile Of Corn
Kid Confused by Corn Kernels at Bottom of Slide
Beth Stopar
Oct 01, 2020
#Fail #Humor #Stunts #Kids #Cute #USA #Landing #Lands #Land #Failure #Kid #Child #Funny #Humour #Adorable #Hilarious #Baby #Feel Good #Children #Sweet #Fails #Landed #Corn #ViralHog #Slide #Sliding #Slides #Failing #Humorous #Failed #Ohio #Slid #Humourous #2020 #Wooster #Kernals #Ramseyer Farms
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